lunes, diciembre 08, 2008

Headlines: the good, the bad and the ugly

1- Las nueve cosas a las que un violador le presta atención en una víctima - Minutouno
(The nine things a rapist pays attention to)

Despite the sensationalist content, the headline work perfectly. The constant menace of being one of the new victims of the Recolecta´s rapist, is a perfect hook to capture de readers attention.

2- Este año, Patota Noel viene con la bolsa rota Crítica de la Argentina
(This year Patota comes with a broken bag)

The headline is funny and uses a national secretary nickname that makes it more attractive. Also is complemented with a photo montage.

3- Kirchner, el personaje cultural de la semana
(Kirchner, the cultural personality of the week)

¿Néstor Kirchner, the former president? No! Ernst Kirchner, the artist that painted the Berlin´s prostitutes during 1910. The headline plays with the irony and the contradiction and that´s catchy.

4-Help! I am a hip, young New Yorker. I am not supposed to have a crush on Mike Huckabee. Slate magazine.

Great headline. Just by reading it you feel de necesity to click it.

5-Janet Napolitano's embarrassing history with Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Also Slate (great source of -also great headlines-).

The use os adjetives make headlines more atractive. Is the same saying: Janet´s Napolitano history with de Sheriff than sayint it was a embarrassing history? No, it´s not. Because if we don´t know who the hell is Mrs Napolitano, we don´t enter, but if we read that they hav a embarrassing history, even we don´t know who they are, the posibilitties to click there are huge.

1-Clarín en la regata Punta del Este-Buenos Aires: Fortuna III y Matrero, primeros en llegar - Clarín
Clarín at the Punta del Este-Buenos Aires boat race: Fortuna III y Matrero, first to reach the goal)

What´s more important: ¿the result of the race or that Clarín was there? Mmmmm... It´s great that Clarín was there, but isn´t that assume if Clarín is informing about the race with a video from it?

2- Para estas Fiestas, ¿cuál es tu logo de preferido?
(For this festive season, what´s your favorite logo?)
I respect a lot, but who cares what´s the best logo to use in X-mas... Isn´t that an editorial decision.

3- ECB confirm that full squad will tour India for two-Test series. The Guardian.

What´s ECB. Full squad to India? Is it going to reinforce the security measures since the last terrorist attacks. Ohhh... no, no, is just a Criquet match. But the acronym is confusing. Just when you click on it, the headline changes: "Criquet: the ECB confirm...".

4- Sports headlines like the ones that Olé uses are not just bad, but ugly. If you are not familiarized with the soccer expression it´s really hard to understand them.

Three blog I like

Amphibia: news about technology, Internet and online journalism.

Geek and Poke: a great blog with tech cartoons, about twitter and other 2.0 websites.

El palabrero: the blog of the poet Esteban Peicovich. A great space that gathers his column "La Semana", also his podcast and more about him.

I´ve subscribe to the RSS feed of The Sun (UK), BBC News in spanish and, the online journal of Gumersindo Lafuente, former director of


2 comentarios:

Juan Pablo dijo...

Deberías decir por qué mierda estás escribiendo posts en inglés.

PAYITO dijo...

Dear Mansilla, I´ve already explained it in an old post: .
